Thursday, July 15, 2004

Stir of Echoes - ***
Given this film's release date was one month after The Sixth Sense and they're both about boys who see dead people, 'Stir' didn't have a chance. How little of a chance? About 270 million dollars less of a chance than the sleeper box-office champ 'Sense' had. Would this film have been the summer sleeper of '99 had M.Knight's film been released a month later? Doubtful--it doesn't have the wonderful intentional slow pace to build suspension that 'Sense' does. However, it plays well enough and has a good enough cast so if you put the similarities aside and concentrate on the film, you'll discover a good movie that knows the secret of horror films--less is more. I can't imagine director David Keopp's state of mind as he watched 'Sense' reign the box-office right up and through 'Echoes' debut.

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