Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Ghost Rider / The Black Dahlia

Loved “Ghost Rider” – easily the loudest movie I’ve ever screened at my house. Far more ‘spooky’ than I thought it would be and Nic Cage really plays the character well. Watching this film and “The Family Man” so close together really emphasized how great and underrated an actor he is. He’s made some poor, poor choices the post Oscar-win, but also has some great roles mixed in. I could easily envision a film class based on his films.

The Black Dahlia” was bo-ring, but really well executed and produced; difficult to explain, but if you ever watch it, make sure you screen the ‘making of’ documentaries on the disc. They made my respect for the film go up, and maybe I’d screen it again if I ever read the book. I’m just not a Brian de Palma fan and can’t really explain why. I liked Aaron Eckhart but the rest of the film was way miscast, esp. Hillary Swank. I must admit, I didn’t hate Josh Hartnett. Does he have a future as an actor I will like? Maybe “Hollywood Homicide” will sway the decision as it’s on my list (the only recent Harrison Ford film I haven’t seen).

The biggest surprise was
Mia Kirshner. She had very little screen time but really brought the character of murder victim Elizabeth Short to life. She’s been around a long time and I know I’ve seen her in some other things (“24” is the only recent thing I’ve seen her do) but I’d like to view a few more things to see how great she is.

Tonight, if I get time, I’m doing “
Lady in the Water” which, honestly, I’m not really looking forward to but need to see as part of M. Night’s body of work. And really, for Paul Giamatti.


Brenda said...

You have GOT to be kidding me... You loved Ghost Rider? What a waste of Nicolas Cage!

Brenda said...

Plus it had Eva Mendes. I guess that right there should have told me to RUN the other way.